Foot reflexology.

Foot reflexology is a science that recognizes that areas on the feet correspond to organs, glands and parts of the body. Through stimulating these reflexes on the feet you activate the healing powers of the body. 

By working on the reflexes stress is relieved, blood circulation improves and you help the body to get back to equilibrium or homeostasis.

In my treatments I work on the reflexes as well as the Chinese meridians on your lower legs. Combining the Traditional Chinese medicine wisdom with the Western reflexes proved to be a great combination in assisting your body to heal various ailments.

​Some possible indications why you could consider a foot reflexology treatment:

  • Stress & Burnout

  • Muscle and skeletal discomfort

  • Headaches & migraines

  • Digestive system problems such as irritable bowel syndrome or constipation.

  • Menstrual and Menopause symptoms

  • Pregnancy care

  • Insomnia

  • Low immunity

  • Skin problems like eczema


  • Acute inflammation of the feet

  • Infections and sores on the feet

  • Thrombosis

  • High fever